Sunday, August 8, 2010

moving ahead

if you've ever heard of KT Tunstall's "Other Side of the World" that's the mood I'm feeling right now. The world is a giant moving at the speed of light - twirling like a tornado. I'm the small speckle fighting to survive in the middle. I'm trying to get to the other side, the other side of the world.
Our lives are hard and everyday, we make excuses to make it easier - to forget a bit of hardship just to endure the days a little longer. Though my plan seems to have gained a positive light, it's still a long way to go. This year I will be working a full time job, night classes every night, and weekend shifts and the restaurant. Nonstop until I reach my destination -- success.

You know what makes me such a miserly person? I always have high expectations of myself as well as the same standards for everyone else around me. Perhaps I also care too much about how you feel before myself. The tornado of twirling lights are going faster and the pull of the wind is too strong. I'm still standing but for how much longer?

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