Sunday, March 7, 2010

Parcel #0371 C

You Did Not Pick Up!
Parcel #0371 C
@ 1-800-238-9720
We have been trying to reach you regarding your official prizewinner status!
You have WON one of the four guaranteed prizes: a new MERCEDES BENZ, BMW,
PORSCHE or $49,000 CASH; a $1,500 Shopping Spree; Exotic Island Adventure -
$806 value or $500 Cash. You have three days to call us toll free at the number above
to arrange to pick up your prize. You are guaranteed to receive your prize
immediately, in accordance with your confirmation letter.
This is your FINAL NOTICE!

Call toll free, Monday-Friday 9am to 9pm, Sat. 10am to 7pm EST
Call Within 72 hours

I find it hilarious that a scam company runs on a Monday to Friday schedule. I'm sure these idiots will either send you a lengthy phone bill (not toll free!), a fake check, or a copy of Island magazine. What a waste of my mailbox space. I could have my monthly letter from Santa Claus in there instead. AVC Claims Center, start a real company!

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